Sarnia Sting 7th Skater - Food Drive, News, Novice Division Tier 1 '09/10, 2017 - 2018 (Sarnia Hockey)


This League is part of the 2017 - 2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 14, 2017 | Kevin Taylor | 499 views
Sarnia Sting 7th Skater - Food Drive
Players! Here is another great opportunity for you to showcase your skating skills to an audience on the big ice!

The Co-operators with Fabien Jagoo & Associates is the driving force behind the Sarnia Sting 7th Skater Program.  Fabien is looking for some help with a food drive for the Inn of the Good Shepherd and is asking his friends in Novice HL to help out by collecting donated goods and dropping them off at his office.  Our coaches will receive word on this program and will distribute details to their teams.


Fabien will be tracking each team and individual player's donations.  The player with the most donations from each team will be given the opportunity to be the 7th Skater for the Sarnia Sting!


More to follow in the next few weeks!  Your coach will be getting instructions soon.