Evaluation Skate - Sun Sep 18, News, U8/9, 2022-2023 (Sarnia Hockey)


This League is part of the 2022-2023 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 14, 2022 | Chuck Ewart | 102 views
Evaluation Skate - Sun Sep 18
Hi all! Welcome to 2022-23 Sarnia Hockey's U8/9 Recreational Hockey league! My name is Chuck Ewart, and I am the Director for the Recreational League U9 (made up of U8 and U9 players), as well as the Director for the B/BB & MD Representative Teams.

There will be an Evaluation Skate on Sunday September 18, 2022 at Clearwater Arena Blue (CWB) rink (details are following this message).

This message was also sent via Bcc email to all registered participants (please check your Junk/Trash folder).

Apologies for the delay in this email, as it has taken more time to get everything organized this year (https://sarniahockey.com/Articles/16898/Recreational_Leagues_-_2022_23_Update/). Please bookmark the following homepage for the U8/9 division (https://sarniahockey.com/Leagues/2401/) as all information will be posted there. Also, please check your Junk/Spam folders as all participants were Bcc'd on this email.
There will be an Evaluation Skate on Sunday September 18, 2022 at Clearwater Arena Blue (CWB) rink. The Evaluation Skate is a way to assess the players skills and abilities in order to balance the teams for the upcoming season. The Skate will not be a typical practice, as more time is spent evaluating the kids (i.e., not necessarily coaching) with various volunteers on and off the ice. For each session, we will need at least two-to-three people to help with sign-in, at least four-to-six coaches on the ice, and another four-to-six in the stands doing the evaluations. People who indicated volunteering as coaches and volunteers have already been contacted to help out at the Skate (additionally, please respond to this email if you are interested in helping out in any way with the process). If your skater is currently registered in the U8 or U9 MD assessments (tryouts),then they are welcome to attend too (but are not obligated to; released players will be placed on an appropriate team afterwards).
There will be three sessions between 9 AM and 12 PM organized by last name with about 40 skaters per time slot. Please ensure that your child has full protective equipment plus a hockey jersey with a number on the back and socks (including helmet, gloves, and neck guard); this is required or else they will not be allowed on the ice (there is a plan to have a limited number of practice jerseys available):
  • The 9-10 session will be for players with a last name starting from A through F.
  • The 10-11 session will be for players with a last name starting from G through M.
  • The 11-12 session will be for players with a last name starting from N through Z. 
Following the session, eight teams will be created and you will be contacted shortly afterwards by your head coach. The season is scheduled to start on Friday September 30, 2022 with all teams practicing on Friday evening from either 5-6 PM or 6-7 PM. Games are scheduled to start on Sunday October 2, 2022 (starting at 7 or 8 AM to 12 PM).
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks & looking forward to a fantastic year!
Chuck Ewart