Face of for Mental Health, News, U12 A/AA, 2021-2022, AA (Sarnia Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 14, 2022 | Kevin Taylor | 221 views
Face of for Mental Health
Face off for Mental Health (FOFMH) is an annual event run between local hockey associations and St. Clair Child and Youth. Sarnia Hockey Association has been a proud partner in this since its inception. The overarching message we want to get out during FOFMH is that the rink is a safe place to talk, coaches and bench staff are people you can talk to if you're struggling with mental health, our players should never feel like they have to struggle alone.

Please take a few minutes to go over our FOFMH Package . You may know someone who needs it or you may find it useful yourself.  Pass it on to people you know and people you don't.