A/AA & B/BB Evaluation Information, News, U10 A/AA, 2022-2023, AA (Sarnia Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2022-2023 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 14, 2022 | Katie Zettel | 597 views
A/AA & B/BB Evaluation Information
As the A/AA and B/BB evaluation skates are coming up quickly this weekend, here is some information to help families understand the plan for the coming week.

First and foremost, lets ensure all players feel supported and recognize the courage that each of them are demonstrating for just stepping on the ice.  All efforts will be made to ensure this experience will enable all players to learn from and I encourage everyone to maintain a positive attitude.


We will be following Hockey Canada’s Guidance and leveraging the following approach:

  • We plan to have an independent group of non-parent evaluators, assessing the following criteria
    • Skill
    • Coachability / Hockey IQ
    • Compete Level
  • Each player will be guaranteed 3 skates/ice times
  • Plan is to do practice style skates on Saturday (Sept 17th) and Sunday (Sept 18th)
  • Plan is to do scrimmages on Tuesday (20th) and Thursday (22nd)
  • Initial player releases will be made after the first scrimmage on Sept 20th
  • Final releases will be made after the 2nd scrimmage on the Sept 22nd
  • Players that are released are encouraged to join the B/BB remaining evaluations (see link to calendar).


Due to the number of players attending the evaluations, we will be dividing up the players and splitting each of the weekend skates.  Here is our plan

·         Players with last names starting with letters A-K will attend the first part of the ice time on Saturday (240pm to 320pm) and the second part of the ice time on Sunday (1250pm to 130pm).

·         Players with last names starting with letters L-Z will attend the second part of the ice time on Saturday (320pm to 4pm) and the first part of the ice time on Sunday (1210pm to 1250pm).

·         Please plan to show up 30 minutes prior to Saturday’s skate to allow proper time for registration (table will be by back door of Clearwater entrance).

·         Rosters for the first scrimmage will be posted following Sunday’s skates

·         NOTE: All players attending evaluations must be registered / signed up with Sarnia Hockey for the upcoming season.


If you have any questions regarding the upcoming evaluations don’t hesitate to reach out (email or 519-466-6676). 




Coach Shawn (Zettel – A/AA) and Coach Chris (Garton – B/BB)