Finals on the 29th, News, 18th Annual TIm Hortons Christmas Break House League Tournament, 2018-2019 (Sarnia Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 16, 2018 | Jordan Van Hooste | 743 views
Finals on the 29th
The games on the 29th are all championship games and are as follows 

Major Novice - 8:00 AM @ Clearwater Blue - 1st vs 2nd 
Atom - 9:15 AM @ Clearwater Blue - 1st in Pool B vs 1st in Pool A
Peewee - 8:30 AM @ Clearwater Red - 1st vs 2nd
Bantam - 9:45 AM @ Clearwater Red - 1st vs 2nd
Midget - 10:30 AM @ Clearwater Blue - 1st vs 2nd
Midget/Juvenile - 11:45 AM @ Clearwater Blue - Winner of MJG7 vs Winner of MJG8

Games will be added to schedule in next few days.
Sarnia Sting
The Sarnia Sting have partnered with us this year to help make it more enjoyable for the players. Between the mascots making rounds to the younger players to bring players to the game on the 28th, the Sting are hoping everyone will enjoy there time participating.