REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED, News, 19th Annual Sarnia Hockey Christmas Tournament, 2019-2020 (Sarnia Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 04, 2019 | Nicole LaChance | 480 views
Registration for out of town teams is now closed. 

Sarnia Hockey Association House League teams: please be aware that ALL teams are registered already to play in the tournament with the exception that all bench staff & roasters are approved & completed requirements. Please verify with your Division Convenor for more information if you are unsure. 

If your roaster is NOT approved, you will be turned away at the tournament office and your team will not be allowed to participate.

Other News
Tim Hortons
Tim Horton's continues to sponsor the Annual Christmas Tournament each year.
BrownStones Sports Lounge & Restaurant
1000 Finch Dr. Sarnia, ON Phone: 519-491-2191
Coffee Lodge
49 Finch Dr Sarnia, ON 519-344-0374 400 Exmouth St Sarnia, ON 519-344-6799
John's Restaurant
1643 London Line Sarnia, ON 519-542-9821
BreakAway Skating Sharpening & Services
780 Rosedale Ave. Sarnia, ON Phone: 519-328-7083
Giresi`s Pizza
website: Hours: 3:30pm - 12pm Phone: 519-336-1415 146 East St N Sarnia, ON