4.10 Filling Vacancies
So long as there is a quorum of Directors in office, any vacancy occurring in the Board may be filled by the Directors then in office, provided that a Director appointed to fill a vacancy shall be only appointed for the unexpired portion of the term of such Director's predecessor.
In the absence of a quorum of Directors, or if the Members have failed to elect the number of Directors (or the minimum number of Directors provided for in the Articles), the Directors then in office shall without delay call a Members' meeting to fill the vacancy.
So long as there is a quorum of Directors in office, Directors may appoint one or more additional Directors to hold office for a term expiring not later than the close of the next annual meeting of Members, but the total number of Directors so appointed shall not exceed one-third (1/3) of the number elected at the previous annual Members’ meeting.
4.11 Directors Remuneration
The Directors shall serve as such without remuneration and no Director shall directly or indirectly receive any profit from their position as such provided that a Director may be reimbursed reasonable expenses incurred by the Director in the performance of their duties.
This provision does not apply to the honorarium provided to the ice scheduler.