ARTICLE 8 – COMMITTEES, BY-LAW #1 SHA Constitution -2024 Rev (Sarnia Hockey)



ARTICLE 8 Committees

8.1 Committees

The Board may from time to time establish:

(a)  standing committees, being those committees, whose duties are normally continuous ("Standing Committees" which currently include the Executive Committee, Board of Reference, Budget, Coach Selection, Nomination, Policy and Regulations and Audit Committee described in Policies, Procedures and Regulations); and

(b)  special or ad hoc committees, being those committees appointed for specific duties whose mandate shall expire with the completion of the tasks assigned ("Special Committees").

8.2 Committee Functions, Duties, Responsibilities, and Powers

The functions, duties, responsibilities and powers of committees shall be provided in the Board

resolution by which such committee is established or in terms of reference adopted by the Board.

8.3 Committee Members, Chair

Unless otherwise provided by by-law or by Board resolution, the Board shall appoint the members of committees, the chair of each committee and, if desirable, the vice chair thereof.

The members of any committee (other than a committee referred to in section 8.5, if any) need not be Directors. The members and the chair and vice chair of a committee will hold their office at the Board's pleasure. Each chair of a Standing Committee shall be a Board member. Unless otherwise provided, and the President shall be an Ex-officio member of all committees, except for an executive committee, if any.


8.4 Committee Meeting Procedures

Procedures at and quorum for committee meetings shall be determined by the chair of each committee, unless established by the Board by resolution or by way of general committee regulations from time to time.

8.5 Delegation to a Committee

The Directors may delegate to any committee comprised entirely of Directors any of the Board's powers other than the following powers:
(a)  to submit to the Members any question or matter requiring the Members' approval.
(b)  to fill a vacancy among the Directors or in the position of auditor.
(c)  to appoint additional Directors.
(d)  to issue debt obligations except as authorized by the Directors.
(e)  to approve any annual financial statements.
(f)  to adopt, amend or repeal by-laws; or
(g)  to establish dues to be paid by Members.