ARTICLE 9 – OFFICERS, BY-LAW #1 SHA Constitution -2024 Rev (Sarnia Hockey)


ARTICLE 9 Officers


(a)  The Corporation's officers shall include:
(i)  the Chair; and
(ii)  the President,and may include one or more Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, a secretary, and any such other officers as the Board may by resolution determine.
(b)  The officers shall be appointed by Board resolution at the first Board meeting following the annual Members' meeting at which the Directors are elected or at such other times when a vacancy shall occur.
(c)  Subject to the Act, the Board may specify the duties of officers and delegate to them powers to manage the Corporation's activities and affairs, except the power to do anything referred to in section 8.5.
(d)  A person may hold more than one office.

9.2 Terms of Office

Unless otherwise provided in this By-law, the officers appointed by the Board shall hold office for one (1) year (except for the Treasurer whose term is two (2) years) from the date of appointment or until their successors are appointed in their stead and shall be eligible for reappointment.

Officers shall be subject to removal by Board resolution at any time. The removal of a director may occur by a motion passed by at least two thirds (2/3) of the votes cast at a special meeting of which notice specifying the intention to pass the motion has been given.

The Directors may remove any Director before the expiration of the term of office, and may, by a majority of the votes cast at the meeting, elect any person in their stead to that position for the remainder of the term.

No such motion shall be put before the Members until after the Director in question has been notified in writing of the cause for removal from office and afforded an opportunity for a hearing before the Members.

The Director shall receive at least fifteen (15) days’ notice of the Members’ meeting at which their removal will be considered by the Members. The notice will provide the reason for which the Director in question may be removed from the Board, and the time and place of the meeting.