ARTICLE 11 – ORGANIZATION AND FINANCIAL, BY-LAW #1 SHA Constitution -2024 Rev (Sarnia Hockey)



ARTICLE 11 Organization and Financial


The Corporation's seal, if any, shall be in the form determined by the Board. Currently the

Corporation does not have a seal.

11.2 Execution of Documents

All cheques, etc. shall be signed by the officer or officers or person or persons and in the manner from time to time prescribed by the Corporation.

(b) Documents requiring execution by the Corporation may be signed by the President or the First Vice President and the Recording Secretary or the Treasurer or any two (2) Directors, and all document so signed are binding upon the Corporation without any further authorization or formality. The Board may from time to time, by resolution, direct the way and the person or persons by whom any Document may or shall be signed. The signature of any Director or Officer of the Corporation may be written, stamped or electronic.

Banking and Borrowing Arrangements

The Corporation's banking business or any part thereof shall be transacted with such banks, trust companies or other financial institutions as the Board may, by resolution, determine from time to time. Without limiting the Corporation's borrowing powers as provided by the 
Act, but subject to the Articles, the Board may from time to time on the Corporation's behalf, without the Members' authorization:
(a)  borrow money on the Corporation's credit;
(b)  issue, reissue, sell or pledge debt obligations of the Corporation;
(c)  give a guarantee on the Corporation's behalf to secure the performance of any obligation of any person; and
(d)  mortgage, pledge or otherwise create a security interest in all or any of the Corporation's property, owned or subsequently acquired, to secure any of the Corporation's obligations.

Financial Year

Unless otherwise determined by the Board, the Corporation’s fiscal year end shall be the last day of April in each year.

Appointment of Auditor

The Treasurer will present the third -party audit report to the board at a Board meeting immediately following the issuing of the audit report. The Treasurer will then recommend to the Board a third- party auditor for the following season.

11.6 Investments

Subject to the Articles and applicable laws, and to any limitations accompanying a gift, the Board is authorized to make or receive any investments which the Board in its discretion considers advisable.