ARTICLE 18 – AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS, BY-LAW #1 SHA Constitution -2024 Rev (Sarnia Hockey)



ARTICLE 18 Amendment of By-laws


Subject to the 
Act, a by-law or an amendment to a by-law passed by the Board shall have full force and effect from the time of the Board resolution, or from such future time as may be specified in said Board resolution.

18.2 Member Approval

(a)  The Board shall submit all new by-laws, amendments to by-laws, or repeals of by-laws, to the Members at the next Members' meeting, and the Members may confirm, reject or amend the by-law, amendment, or repeal by Ordinary Resolution.
(b)  Subject to section 18.2(c), new by-laws, amendments to by-laws, or repeals of by-laws shall be effective from the date of the Board resolution.
(c)  If the by-law, amendment, or repeal is confirmed or confirmed as amended by the Members, it remains effective in the form in which it was confirmed.
(d)  If the by-law, amendment, or repeal is not submitted to the Members at the next Members' meeting, it automatically ceases to have effect and any subsequent by-law amendment or repeal that has substantially the same purpose or effect shall not be effective until confirmed by the Members.
(e)  If a by-law, amendment, or repeal ceases to have effect, a subsequent Board resolution that has substantially the same purpose or effect is not effective until it is confirmed or confirmed as amended by the Members.
(f)  The Members entitled to vote at the meeting may confirm the by-law as presented, reject it or amend it. If rejected, it thereupon ceases to have effect and the Corporation shall revert to the by-law in force immediately prior thereto, provided that no act done or right acquired under any such by-law is prejudicially affected by any such rejection or refusal to approve. If approved, or approved as amended, the by-law remains effective in the form in which it was confirmed.



All previous by-laws of the Corporation related to the subject matter of this By-law are repealed upon the enactment of this By-law. Such repeal shall not affect the validity of any act done or right or privilege, obligation or liability acquired or incurred under such by-law prior to its repeal. All officers and persons acting under any by-law so repealed shall continue to act as if appointed under the provisions of this By-law and all resolutions of the Directors or Members with continuing effect passed under any repealed by-law shall continue to be good and valid except to the extent inconsistent with this By-law and until amended or repealed.