Article III Membership
3.01 Membership in the Association shall consist of persons as hereafter set out.
3.02 Classifications: There shall be two classifications of membership in the Association:
.01 Ordinary Members and
.02 Honorary Members
3.03 Ordinary Members; The Association may admit, as an ordinary Member, any person who:
.01 is at least eighteen (18) years old,
.02 is a resident of Lambton County; and
.03 is a parent/ guardian, team official or volunteer with the Association or with respect to any of the Association’s activities (i.e. Tournaments).
3.04 Honorary Members From time to time, the Association may admit for life or a lesser term without payment of any fee or assessment as a Honorary Member, a person who, in the opinion of the Association has made an outstanding contribution to the development of the Association.
3.05 Voting Both Ordinary Members and Honorary Members shall be entitled to vote at any special meeting of Members or at the Annual General meeting of the Association provided that the Member has attended at least two (2) open meetings of the Association in the preceding twelve (12) months and signed the attendance sheet at that meeting. It shall be the responsibility of the Recording Secretary of the Association to keep records of these attendance sheets.