Article IV: Officers / Directors
4.00 The Officers /Directors of the Sarnia Hockey Association shall be as follows:
.01 The Chairperson
.02 First Vice Chair
.03 Vice Chair, Administration
.04 Vice Chair, Recreational League
.05 Vice Chair, Representative Teams
.06 Recording Secretary
.07 Treasurer (appointed)
.08 Past Chair (Immediate past chair)
.09 Development/Skills Director
.10 Registration Director
.11 Ice Director/Scheduler
.12 Sponsorship Director, Recreational teams
.13 Sponsorship Director, Representative teams
.14 Communications Director
.15 Equipment Director, Recreational teams
.16 Equipment Director, Representative teams
.17 Recreational League Directors
.17.1 U16-U20 Director
.17.2 U15 Director
.17.3 U13 Director
.17.4 U11 Director
.17.5 U9 Director
.17.6 U7 Director
.18 Recreational League Referee Director
.19 Director – A/AA teams
.20 Director – MD Representative teams
.21 Tournament Directors:
.21.1 Recreational League Tournament Director
.21.2 Silver Stick Tournament Director
.22 Photography Director
.23 Web Site Director
4.02 Qualifications Each Officer/ Director shall
.01 be, at the date of his/her election and thereafter remain throughout each two-year term, a resident of the County of Lambton .02 be at least eighteen (18) years of age; and
.03 be a Member of the Association in good standing .04 in the case of Association chair positions, candidates must have been a Director for at least one (1) two-year term to be eligible for these positions.
4.03 Re-Election An Officer/ Director if otherwise qualified, is eligible for re-election.
4.04 Nominations Candidates for the position of Officer shall include:
.01 the slate of candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee (NOTE: to qualify for the positions of Chair, First Vice Chair, Vice Chair Representative Teams, Vice Chair Recreational League or Vice Chair Administration, a person must have served on the Association for a minimum of one (1) term (2 years).
.02 the persons whose names are put in for nomination by any Member entitled to vote at any time, must be received not less than seven (7) days before the date of the meeting of the Members at which the election of officers is held and they must consent to their name being put forward.
.03 no person may be nominated at the meeting at which the election of officers is to be held.
4.05 Election Method Where:
.01 only one candidate is nominated for any particular position, the Recording Secretary shall cast a single ballot electing that person for that particular position,
.02 there is more than one candidate nominated for a particular position, there shall be an election by ballot
4.06 Forms The Association may prescribe the form of nomination paper and the form of a ballot.
4.07 Elections Positions shall be eligible for election on a rotating basis. The following positions shall be eligible for election in even number years (i.e. 2020):
.01 Chairperson
.02 Vice Chair Representative teams
.03 Vice Chair Administration
.04 Recording Secretary
.05 Director MD teams
.06 Director Recreational League – U16-U20
.07 Director Recreational League – U13
.08 Director Recreational League – U9
.09 Equipment Director – Recreational League
.10 Silver Stick Tournament Director
.11 Clinics Director
.12 Registration Director
.13 Sponsorship Director – Representative Teams
.14 Photography Director
These Officers shall be elected for a term to expire at the annual meeting to be held not later than two years after their election. These positions shall come up for re-election every two (2) years.
4.08 The following positions shall be eligible for election in odd number years (i.e. 2021):
.01 First Vice Chair
.02 Vice Chair Recreational League
.03 Director Recreational League – U15
.04 Director Recreational League – U11
.05 Director Recreational League – U7
.06 Director Representative teams
.07 Development/Skills Director
.08 Ice Director/Scheduler
.09 Recreational League Tournament Director
.10 Sponsorship Director – Recreational League
.11 Recreational League Referee Director
.12 Communications Director .13 Web Site Director
.14 Equipment Director Representative teams
These Officers shall be elected for a term to expire at the annual meeting to be held not later than two years after their election. The treasurer shall be appointed by the Association for a two-year term at the second election rotation.
4.09 Vacancies As long as a quorum of the Officers remains in office, a vacancy in the Association may be filled by the elected officers from among the qualified members of the Association. If a quorum of officers does not exist, the remaining officers shall call a general meeting of members to fill the vacancies in the Association.
4.10 Removal of Officers/ Directors The Directors may, by a motion passed by at least two thirds (2/3) of the votes cast at a special meeting of which notice specifying the intention to pass the motion has been given, may remove any Director before the expiration of the term of office, and may, by a majority of the votes cast at that meeting, elect any person in his/her stead to that position for the remainder of the term.
4.11 Quorum A quorum for the transaction of business at meetings of the Association shall be eleven (11) of the Officers/Directors for Officers/Directors meetings and eleven (11) members for the Annual meeting of Members of the Association. If the quorum is destroyed because members leave the meeting, no other business can be conducted, and the meeting must be adjourned.
4.12 Remuneration of Officers/Directors The Officers of the Association shall serve without remuneration with the exception of the Ice Director/Scheduler.
4.13 Indemnities to Officers/ Directors Every Officer/ Director of the Association and heirs, executors and administrators, and estate and effects, respectively, shall from time to time and at all times, be indemnified and saved harmless, out of the funds or the Association, from and against,
.01 all costs, charges and expenses whatsoever which the officer sustains or incurs in or about any action, suit or proceeding which is brought, commenced or prosecuted against the officer for or in respect of any act, deed, matter or thing whatsoever made, done or permitted by the officer in or about the execution of the duties of the office, and
.02 all other costs, charges and expenses which the officer sustains or incurs in or about or in relation to the affairs thereof, except the costs, charges or expenses occasioned by the officer’s own wilful neglect or default.
.03 the indemnity shall not apply unless the individual acted honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the Association or if the matter is criminal or is an administrative proceeding that is enforced by a monetary penalty, the individual had reasonable grounds for believing that his or her conduct was lawful.
4.14 Ex-Officio Officers The following persons shall be ex-officio Officers of the Association and as such shall not be entitled to vote:
.01 Persons appointed from time to time by the Executive Committee to serve in an advisory position 4.15 Other Officers .01 The Directors may appoint from time to time Directors at Large who shall be entitled to vote at Directors meetings and shall serve until the next annual meeting of Members,
.02 The Treasure shall be appointed by the Board for a two-year term and shall also be a voting member of the Board,
.03 In addition to the Treasure, the total number of Directors at Large shall not exceed five (5).
4.15 Others Present Such others, as the Association may from time to time determine, shall be entitled to attend and to speak at meetings of the Association, but shall not be entitled to vote thereat.