1.00 - REPLACED with Policy 1.01, Section 1 - General Organizational Policy, SHA Policy, Procedures & Regulations (Sarnia Hockey)


Print1.00 - REPLACED with Policy 1.01

1.00.01 Rights
Parliamentary law protects the rights of the members to be dealt with fairly and equitably. This
encourages everyone’s cooperation and the timely order of business. Member rights are:

1) Receive Notices of Meetings
2) Attend meetings
3) Make and second motions
4) Debate and vote on motions
5) Nominate people for office
6) Be nominated for office
7) Elects people to office in the Association
8) Be elected to office in the Association
9) Know the meaning of the question being debated
10) Appeal the decision of the Chair
11) Not to have to suffer personal abuse or attack
12) Has access to Minutes of all meetings
13) Receive the treasurer’s report
14) Receive a copy of the Association’s Constitution & Policies


0.02 Responsibilities
Along with rights come responsibilities. For a meeting to function smoothly under parliamentary
law, members must have specific obligations as well. Members’ responsibilities are:

1) Attend meetings
2) Stay until the end of the meeting
3) Is ready to talk knowledgeably and intelligently on a topic
4) Be attentive
5) Be open minded
6) Treat everyone with courtesy
7) Speak openly, but also let others have their turn to speak
8) Follows the rules of debate
9) Makes a point concisely
10) Attack issues, not people
11) Participate actively in the meetings
12) Be familiar with the basic rules of parliamentary law
13) Obey the policies and rules of the association
14) Abide by the final decision of the majority
15) Brings in or recommends new members
16) Be familiar with the Association’s Constitution & Policies
17) Participate in committees
18) Respect the Chair’s opinions and rulings
19) Enhance the A
ssociation’s reputation
20) Work to create dignity and decorum
21) Work to promote acceptance of others regardless of race, place of origin, family circumstances,
gender or creed
22) Encourages a sense of community pride through competitive team sports.