4.09 - Exhibition and Tournament Games
4.09.01 Exhibition and tournament games must not interfere with House League scheduled games.
In the case of a scheduled exhibition game, the coach will contact the Ice Director at least (2) two weeks
prior to the date to arrange for referees for the game. The cost of these referees is the responsibility of the
4.09.02 Participation in any exhibition games or tournaments must be applied for in writing within (2)
two weeks prior to the event and approved by the appropriate House League Director. If additional
players are required, they must also be arranged through the House League Director forty-eight (48) hours
prior to the game. Team officials will rotate these opportunities to as many players as possible.
4.09.03 House League teams will be permitted to play in not more than four tournaments per season – one
of which may be the ALLIANCE House League Tournament of Champions held in April of each season.
4.09.04 All tournament participation is subject to the approval of the appropriate House League Director.
4.09.05 All House League teams playing in any game in or out of Sarnia will be allowed to use only
rostered players from the House League.