2.05 - Injury and Concussion Procedures, Section 2 -Association Procedure, SHA Policy, Procedures & Regulations (Sarnia Hockey)


Print2.05 - Injury and Concussion Procedures

2.05 Injury and Concussion Procedures

2.05.01 Injury of Player or Bench Staff

1) If a player or bench staff is injured during a game or practice, the Coach or Manager must
complete a Hockey Canada Injury Report form and submit to the appropriate Director (Rep or
HL) within 48 hours of the injury. If the injury occurred during a game, a copy of the game sheet
(front & back) must also be submitted.
2) The Director must forward this document immediately to the appropriate Vice Chair (Rep or HL).
The Vice Chair will review the Injury Report to ensure completeness and then forward
immediately to the SHA Registrar who will scan and input the injury report into the Hockey
Canada Registry (HCR).
3) The player or bench staff will not be allowed to return to on-ice activities until a medical
clearance letter has been received by the appropriate Vice Chair & SHA Registrar.

2.05.02 Concussions

Adapted from: Parachute. (2017). Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport.
www.parachutecanada.org/guideline and Hockey Canada Concussion Policy.
SARNIA HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (SHA) has developed this Policy to meet the legal requirements of
Rowan’s Law in the province of Ontario and Hockey Canada by:

• Annually ensuring all parents, players and bench staff complete a review of concussion awareness
• Ensuring there is a Concussion Code of Conduct,
• Ensuring there is a removal from sport and return to sport protocol.

1) Pre- Season Education - Concussion Awareness
There is a continued need to improve concussion education and awareness. Optimizing the
prevention and management of concussion depends highly on annual education of all SHA
stakeholders on current approaches that can prevent concussion and more serious forms of head
injury and help identify and manage a hockey player with a suspected concussion.
2) Annually all parents and athletes are required to review:

• the Province of Ontario Rowan’s Law: Concussion Safety
• Hockey Canada Concussion Card and the Concussion Education and Awareness materials
• Concussion Code of Conduct
These materials can be found on the Sarnia Hockey Website under “Concussion” and “Code of

By checking the check box on Concussion awareness during registration,
parents/guardians/players are confirming they have a clear understanding of Concussions and the
player Code of Conduct.

3) Concussion Code of Conduct for Players
The Concussion Code of Conduct for players is provided under “Code of Conduct” on the SHA
Website. This code of conduct must be reviewed by players and parents/guardians prior to annual

2.05.03 Removal from Sport and Return to Sport Protocol

1) If a player has an existing injury or concussion (verbally communicated or via a Medical
Assessment Letter) they will not be allowed to be on the ice until the player’s coach/trainer
receives a Medical Clearance Letter from the player’s health professional. The coach/trainer must
forward this document immediately to the appropriate Vice Chair (Rep or HL). The Vice Chair
will review the Medical Clearance Letter to ensure completeness and then forward immediately
to the SHA Registrar who will scan and input the letter into the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR).

2) If a player has been diagnosed (Medical Assessment Letter) or has symptoms of a concussion
during an SHA or non-SHA activity, the coach/trainer must be notified and the player will not be
allowed to participate on the ice until a Medical Clearance Letter (for those that have been
diagnosed with a concussion) or Medical Assessment Letter (indicating that the player did not
have a concussion) from their health professional is provided. The coach/trainer must forward this
document immediately to the appropriate Vice Chair (Rep or HL). The Vice Chair will review the
Medical Clearance Letter to ensure completeness and then forward immediately to the SHA
Registrar who will scan and input the letter into the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR).

3) If a player is injured during a game or practice, they will not be allowed to return to the ice until
the player’s coach/trainer receives a Medical Clearance Letter from the player’s health
professional. The coach/trainer must forward this document immediately to the appropriate Vice
Chair (Rep or HL). The Vice Chair will review the Medical Clearance Letter to ensure
completeness and then forward immediately to the SHA Registrar who will scan and input the
letter into the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR).

4) Players who have been provided with a Medical Clearance Letter may return to full sport
activities as tolerated. If the player experiences any symptoms of the original injury or
concussion-like symptoms while returning to play, they must stop playing immediately, notify
their parents, coaches, and trainer, and undergo a follow-up Medical Assessment. If the player
sustains a new suspected concussion, the player will not be able to return to play until a Medical
Clearance Letter or Medical Assessment Letter is provided as above.