4.02 - Recreational League Reports, Section 4 - Recreational League Team Policy & Procedure, SHA Policy, Procedures & Regulations (Sarnia Hockey)


Print4.02 - Recreational League Reports
4.02 - Reports

4.02.01 The House League Director shall arrange to have any injury reports completed and submitted,
along with a copy of the game sheet to the Vice Chair – House League within 48 hours.

4.02.02 The Directors shall submit a written report to Sarnia Hockey Association for the Annual Report.
Such report shall be submitted by a date determined annually by the Executive Board.

4.02.03 Directors will receive and review all grievances filed before bringing them to the Vice-Chair –
House League and Sarnia Hockey Association.

4.02.04 The House League Director must ensure all coaches understand and have been provided with a
copy of Sarnia Hockey Association Policies, Regulations and Procedures.