NEW!! 3.06 - Expectations & Responsibilities for Team Officials, Section 3 - Team Policy & Procedure, SHA Policy, Procedures & Regulations (Sarnia Hockey)


PrintNEW!! 3.06 - Expectations & Responsibilities for Team Officials

3.06 – Expectations and Responsibilities for Team Officials


3.06.01 – Purpose

Sarnia Hockey Association (SHA) is committed to promoting the highest standards of sportsmanship, safety, and integrity in all our hockey programs. This policy outlines the expectations and responsibilities of team officials within our organization.

3.06.02 – Scope

This policy applies to all team officials, including Head Coaches, Coaches, Trainers, Helpers, and Managers.  SHA Team Officials are expected to always adhere to a high standard of conduct. This includes any Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario (ALLIANCE) or SHA sanctioned activity involving the team including games, practices, and off-ice activities.

3.06.03 – Definitions

a)    Head Coach: A "head coach" is a mandatory position and is responsible for leading and managing the team.  The head coach oversees developing and implementing the team's strategies and game plans, making critical in-game decisions, overseeing player development, and handling leadership responsibilities. This role includes coordinating the efforts of other bench and support staff to ensure the team's success. The head coach is the main point of contact and liaison between “The Team” and SHA.

b)    Manager: A "team manager" is an individual responsible for the administrative and logistical aspects of the team. Managers play a vital role in team administration. They are responsible for scheduling, equipment management, and financial matters. Managers work to ensure that team logistics run smoothly and efficiently.  The manager role can also include prefix titles such as “General Manager” or “Assistant Manager”.

c)    Bench Staff – Trainer: A "team trainer" is a mandatory position and is a member of the team’s bench staff who can specialize in the prevention, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions related to sports.  Amateur Team trainers play a crucial role in the healthcare and well-being of athletes by observing games and practices identifying high risk incidents. Team Trainers are responsible for scene management and reporting if a player is seriously injured and requires emergency assistance or services.  The trainer role can also include prefix titles such as “Athletic Trainer” or “Assistant Trainer”.

d)    Assistant Coach: Coaches that work with the head coach and are responsible for various aspects of coaching and game management.

e)    Helper: A "helper" refers to any other support position with the team but does not appear on a team’s official roster. Helpers are often assigned roles such as “On-Ice Helper” or Parent Rep

f)    Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC): In Ontario a "Vulnerable Sector Criminal Reference Check" is a type of criminal background check conducted by law enforcement agencies and authorized organizations to assess an individual's criminal history, particularly as it pertains to their potential interaction with vulnerable populations. This check is designed to ensure the safety and security of individuals who may be at a higher risk of harm or exploitation due to their age, health, or other factors.  Volunteers are required to complete and submit a VSC to the OHF in accordance with their requirments and policy.

g)    OHF Screening Declaration Form (SDF): OHF Screening Declaration Form is a document used to record an induvidual's attestation that the last VSC on file is relevant.  This is a requirement for all SHA volunteers. It needs to be completed and submitted to the OHF by each candidate in order for SHA to accept their offer to volunteer with any team.

3.06.04 - Expectations and Responsibilities – General

a)    Training and Qualifications: Team Officials are expected to hold the required qualifications for their assigned role.  Refer to the ALLIANCE Operations Manual for specific minimum requirements.  SHA is responsible for covering the cost of all training for registered team officials and volunteers.  Team officials are encouraged to seek opportunities for professional development and growth in their roles. They should stay informed about changes in the game, coaching techniques, and the latest safety practices.

b)    Criminal Reference Checks: Team Officials in contact with youth on the ice, bench or dressing room are required to submit a valid VSC and SDF to the OHF for validation in order to be eligible to appear on the ALLIANCE approved roster. Any Team Official under the age of 18 does not require a criminal reference check in accordance with the OHF Policy.

c)    Representation of Organizations: Team officials including coaches, assistant coaches, and managers are expected to always adhere to the ALLIANCE Code of Conduct. This includes promoting respect, fairness, and ethical behavior within the team and during all games, practices, and SHA-related activities.  Team officials are accountable for the behavior of their players.

d)    Player Development: Team Officials are responsible for the development of players under their care. This includes creating a positive and inclusive learning environment that focuses on skill development, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Team officials should stay current with the best coaching practices and continue their own professional development.

e)    Safety and Welfare: Team Officials are responsible for the safety and welfare of all participants.  All Team officials must adhere to and enforce safety protocols as well as follow proper injury assessment and reporting procedures (see SHA Policy 2.05). They should promote the physical and emotional well-being of players, including recognizing and addressing issues related to bullying, harassment, and any form of misconduct.

f)    Communication: Effective communication is essential. Team officials should maintain open and respectful communication with players, parents, other team officials, game officials and SHA representatives. Regular and transparent communication is crucial for keeping all stakeholders informed and engaged.

g)    Protection of Assets: Team Officials are responsible for the care and maintenance of SHA equipment assigned to the team. Team Officials are expected to respect public property and do what is reasonable to protect it.

h)    Compliance with Rules and Regulations: Team officials are responsible to understand the current Hockey Canada Rule Book and current OHF Minimum Suspension List. They should be familiar with and follow all SHA policies and regulations, as well as those of any relevant governing bodies or leagues. This includes eligibility rules, codes of conduct, OHF Insurance Guide and any other requirements set forth by ALLIANCE or SHA.

i)    Maltreatment: All Team Officials are responsible to understand the Hockey Canada Maltreatment Policy and SHA Policy 1.08 - Harassment

j)    Collection of Fees: Team Officials are not responsible to collect fees for tryouts, evaluations, or prep skates unless specific instructions are provided by a SHA Director

3.06.05 - Expectations and Responsibilities – Head Coaches

a)    Preparation: Head Coaches are responsible for arriving at the arena prepared for games and practices.  Head Coaches are responsible for delegating and assigning duties to staff as required.

b)    Supervision of Team Staff: Head Coaches are responsible for providing the necessary supervision and guidance to team staff in the performance of their duties.

c)    Maintaining the Rule of Two (Dressing Rooms): Head Coaches are responsible for providing the necessary supervision and guidance to staff and players in and around the dressing room pre- and post-game.  Head Coaches are responsible to ensure the regulations of the Ontario Dressing Room Policy are followed

d)    Management: Head Coaches are responsible to ensure all responsibilities of a Team Manager are fulfilled or delegated

e)    Player and Staff Eligibility: Head Coaches are responsible for ensuring their players and team staff are eligible to play games and attend practices.

f)    Affiliate Players: Head Coaches are responsible for assisting their players in the affiliation process and invite players (per Policy 2.02) to affiliate from the category and division below.

g)    Conflict Resolution: Head Coaches are responsible for addressing conflicts or concerns promptly and professionally, following the designated conflict resolution process in Policy 1.05.02. They should work collaboratively to resolve issues and maintain a positive team atmosphere.

h)    Injury Reporting: Head Coaches must ensure that all injuries are reported to the appropriate Representative Team Director on the Hockey Canada Injury form within 48 hours of the injury (see Injury and Concussion Reporting). They must also ensure Medical Clearance has been provided by appropriate health professional before player returns to practices and/or games.

3.06.06    - Expectations and Responsibilities – Managers

a)    Team Meetings: Team Managers are responsible for coordinating and arranging meetings with staff, players, and parents present. Here is a list of recommended and mandatory meetings:

i)    Team Selection and Player Evaluation FeedbackRecommended for Representative and Select Teams
ii)    Initial Budget Mandatory for Representative and Select Teams
iii)    Team Introductions Mandatory for all SHA Teams
iv)    Gender ID and ExpressionMandatory and legally required for all SHA Teams  
v)    Mid-Season Budget Update - Mandatory for Representative and Select Teams
vi)    End-Season Financial Report - Mandatory for Representative and Select Teams

b)    Finances: Team Managers are responsible to monitor, manage and report team finances including coordinating the payment of team fees, management of team finances through a SHA authorized team account and providing financial updates in accordance with SHA Policy 2.00.14.  Team Managers can be the point of contact for the SHA Treasurer and SHA Ice Scheduler when arranging or paying for extra ice and officials.

c)    Fundraising and Sponsorship: Team Managers are responsible for ensuring Team Fundraising and Sponsorships are legal and compliant with SHA Policy.  

d)    Equipment and Assets: Team Managers are responsible for coordinating sign out and sign in of team lockers & equipment borrowed from SHA including an iPad for each representative team.

e)    Documentation and Administration: Team Managers are responsible for maintaining accurate team records including up to date team rosters, emergency notification forms, and a team contact list.  Team Managers are responsible for requesting and hold travel permits for all exhibitions and tournaments. 

3.06.07    – Additional Responsibilities

Any Team Official may be required by ALLIANCE or SHA Directors to take on additional responsibilities as part of their role.  Additional tasks, expectations or responsibilities will be communicated in writing prior to implementation and include a reasonable timeframe to adjust.

3.06.08 - Accountability

Team officials play a critical role in the success and positive experience of our players. By adhering to the expectations and responsibilities outlined in this policy, we can collectively work to create a safe, inclusive, respectful, and development-focused environment within Sarnia Hockey Association.  Team officials are accountable for their behavior, actions, and decisions. Failure to meet the expectations outlined in this policy may result in a warning, suspension, or removal as a team official as deemed appropriate by SHA.