5.05: Player Selection & Evaluations, Representative Operations (Sarnia Hockey)


Print5.05: Player Selection & Evaluations

5.05     PLAYER SELECTION See SHA Policy 3.03 top of page

 Each year, the SHA will hold open tryouts to assemble the best teams with the best players at each division and level, in accordance with the principles laid out in “Hockey Canada’s Minor Hockey Development-Player Evaluation and Selection” to assemble Representative teams. Through this process, SHA will seek to group players according to various selection criteria (skating and hockey skills, coachability, attitude etc.), to create successful conditions for player development, in a competitive team environment.

 Objectives of Player Evaluation


         To provide a fair and impartial assessment of a player’s total hockey skills during the skating and scrimmage sessions

         To ensure that players have a reasonable opportunity of being selected to a team appropriate to their skill levels as determined during the on-ice evaluations of the current year.

         To provide coaches with the opportunity and flexibility to build a team based in part on their own coaching philosophy and knowledge of player skills and attitude.

         To provide uniformity and consistency in the evaluation process such that a player and parent expectations are consistent from year to year as players move through the various levels of the association’s programs.

         To form teams to maintain balanced and competitive play where the athletes can develop and participate equitably and have fun playing hockey during the season.

         To provide feedback in order to develop players.

 We encourage all players to attend tryout sessions.  The Sarnia Hockey Association is classified as an A Centre and primarily competes within the Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario (ALLIANCE Hockey) in the Seeded (A/AA) division.  Therefore, the first priority for the Representative program is to select players for the A/AA team.  Players should first tryout for the A/AA team in order to be eligible to play for the B/BB team.  Only if released by the A/AA Coach may the player then tryout for the B/BB team.  No player can be affiliated to the A/AA or B/BB team without attending tryouts unless an exemption has been approved by the SHA Player Tryout Exemption Committee.

 All players wishing to participate in the player selection process must register and pay according to the instructions posted on the SHA website by the posted deadline date.  The time, location and cost of tryouts are posted on the SHA website.

 When a player attends a tryout session, either at A/AA or B/BB, it is with the understanding that the player is attempting to obtain a roster spot at that level.  In keeping with this principle, should a player attend tryouts at the A/AA level, be offered a roster position at that level, then refuse the offer, the player will be considered as refusing an assignment with the Representative program.  As such the player may be released from the Representative program and reassigned to the SHA Recreational League program.

 The player selection timing typically occurs as follows:

 U10 – U16 A/AA and B/BB – SPRING (May)

U8 Tier 1, U9 Tier1 and U9 Tier 2 – FALL (September)

U18 A/AA and U18 NBC – FALL (September)

 If desired, players may attend the Sarnia Lambton Jr. Sting AAA player selection process which occurs immediately following the OHF Championships in April of each year in accordance with OHF Regulations, with Seeded A/AA and B/BB tryouts at U10-U16 following consecutively thereafter.  The player selection process for each age division and category must be completed within seven (7) days.

 All interested registered players will attend the player selection process for a Representative Team at their age-appropriate level.  Those wishing to attend tryouts at an age higher must follow the SHA Underage Player Movement Policy.

 Representative Team coaches will receive a preliminary list of players trying out prior to the start of tryouts.  All candidates are guaranteed at least one (1) skates at the highest level with a total of three skates before being released to the Recreational League.  Coaches are strongly encouraged to have only non-parents assist them during tryouts.  Coaches will make themselves available after player selection sessions to answer questions and provide feedback to players, parents, or Association Directors.

 Exhibition home and away games are permitted during the allotted player selection times, however, these may require additional costs to the players.  The last scheduled player selection skate must be the final skate for rostering the team.