5.06: Non-Resident Player (NRP), Representative Operations (Sarnia Hockey)


Print5.06: Non-Resident Player (NRP)

5.06     NON-RESIDENT PLAYER See SHA Policy 2.02

 A non-resident player is a player who resides in Lambton County or those counties that are adjacent to Lambton County.  NRP players are allowed for the U12 and above A/AA teams.  The NRP process is owned by the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) therefore the NRP players are approved through the OMHA Registrar.  Movement is only permitted to a higher level for players from B and below base category OMHA centres and there can be NO lateral movement (i.e., A to A, AA to AA).  Even though Sarnia Hockey Association is categorized as an A centre, the OMHA Manual of Operations states Alliance seeded Centres will be categorized as AA for the purpose of player movement for OMHA players from BB and below.

 The OMHA continues to review, assess, and implement programming and programming models in order to meet the ongoing needs of their members.  Part of that process has included the demand and subsequent review regarding Non-Resident Players (NRP) and the current Regulation 3.5 c iv) which currently states:  Maximum number of rostered “Non-Resident Players” (NRP) is three (3) per eligible team. Once a team has rostered an NRP then no replacement NRP will be permitted.

To qualify to attend player evaluations with the Sarnia Hockey Association, a NRP player must be registered in their home association and have completed and submitted the online "Non Resident Player Passport" form to the OMHA Registrar and copied the Sarnia Hockey Association Registrar.