5.19 TRAVEL PERMITS See SHA Policy 3.01 & 3.06.06 ALLIANCE 9.0 Travel Permit Policy
Q. Why are ALLIANCE Travel Permits required?
A. To ensure that teams are only participating against Hockey Canada (HC) sanctioned teams (there were many circumstances in past seasons in which ALLIANCE teams participated against non-HC teams). Participation against non-HC sanctioned teams or unapproved travel may result in the forfeiture of HC insurance coverage. They are also used to track participation for ALLIANCE teams for local associations.
Q. When is an ALLIANCE Travel Permit required?
A. For the following circumstances:
1. All non-ALLIANCE scheduled games,
2. All Tournaments (ALLIANCE, GTHL, OMHA, NOHA, outside OHF, USA Hockey),
3. All exhibition games, home and away,
4. ALLIANCE House League, Select and B/BB Championships.
5. ALLIANCE Championships (if applicable - check applicability).
Q. When is an ALLIANCE Travel Permit not required?
A For the following circumstances:
1. Regular Season Games,
2. ALLIANCE Playoffs and Playdowns,
3. OHF and HC Championships (if applicable - check applicability).
Travel Permits Procedure
ALLIANCE pre-approval is provided for both Exhibition Games and ALLIANCE/non-ALLIANCE tournament competition travel permits through an online permit system. The coach/manager first creates an account within the online permit system (website: minorhockeyforms.com/account/forms). The coach/manager needs to remember the userID and password as these will be required every time they log in to get a travel permit plus can be used in future years.
There are three (3) categories for travel permits, ALLIANCE Hockey ALLIANCE Tournament Travel Permit Request, ALLIANCE Hockey Exhibition Game Travel Permit Request, or ALLIANCE Hockey Non-ALLIANCE Tournament Travel Permit Request. Select the type of permit the team needs and complete the form. If this is a tournament travel permit, ensure the tournament sanction number is included in the form. The team then forwards the completed form via the weblink to the SHA for final approval. The appropriate Director within SHA reviews the travel permit forms and will grant or deny permission (i.e., non-sanctioned teams/tournaments) as each Association has the responsibility to ensure that participation is against Hockey Canada and/or IIHF sanctioned teams. ALLIANCE Associations are provided with a list of non-Hockey Canada Associations annually (these can be found on the ALLIANCE Hockey web site). Travel Permit reports may be generated at any time by the Home Association and/or ALLIANCE Hockey. ALLIANCE Hockey will invoice Associations for travel permit fees upon the conclusion of the season. The team Manager can then download the permit to take with them to the tournament/exhibition game.
Teams/Associations that do not comply with the ALLIANCE Travel Permit Procedures may be suspended or further disciplined. Teams will not be covered by Hockey Canada insurance if a Travel Permit is not properly completed.
Exhibition Games
Ice time, referees and timekeepers for home exhibition games must be arranged through the SHA Ice Scheduler. Referee costs for exhibition games are the individual team’s responsibility. Travel permits are required for exhibition games at all home and away games.
Contact the SHA Ice Scheduler and inform them whenever you have locked in any exhibition game so they can update your team schedule on the SHA web page.