5.23 DRESSING ROOM See SHA Policy 1.09
The team dressing room is a social, learning, and private environment for teams and players. From a risk perspective, it provides many challenges with regard to ensuring player and team official safety. The following guidelines/policies are in effect from Hockey Canada, the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) and ALLIANCE Hockey:
• OHF Dressing Room Policy Hockey Canada Dressing Room Policy
• Hockey Canada Dressing Room Supervision
• ALLIANCE Hockey Manual of Operations, Policy 13, Dressing Room Policy
Players should be supervised at all times. A lone personnel member should never be in the dressing room with players at any time, and especially when they are showering or changing: two (2) properly screened adults should be present together, which is called the “Two Deep Method” or "Rule of Two" of supervision. Should separate dressing rooms be required, both dressing rooms require the appropriate adult supervision.
It is the Policy of SHA that, when any player under the age of 18 is in the team dressing room(s) before, during and after a game or practice, a minimum of two of the following shall be present in the dressing room(s) or immediately outside the dressing room(s) with the door slightly ajar:
1. two team or club/association officials/parents/guardians, properly screened
Policy violation
• SHA will support the coaches in the implementation process and to ensure that the coaches have a process for accommodations in their Team Policies that complies with the confidentiality requirements. As an Association, if a coach is deliberately disobeying the direction, they have a responsibility to address the code of conduct of the coach on a complaint-bycomplaint basis. As the policy is aligned with the Ontario Human Rights Code, the expectation is that SHA make best efforts to follow the policy in place. The policy is intended to create a safe and healthy environment for the Association and its registered participants.
1. This policy does not apply to a participant and his/her parent or legal guardian.
2. This policy to include “tryouts.”
Except for players at the younger age groups, (U9 and U10 levels), we discourage parents from entering dressing rooms unless it is truly necessary. If a player needs assistance with his or her uniform or gear, if the player is or may be injured, or a player’s disability warrants assistance, then we ask that parents let the coach know beforehand that he or she will be helping the player.
The use of cell phones and cameras shall be prohibited in all minor hockey dressing rooms (cell phones shall be used in case of emergency only).
Additional recommendations for players regarding dressing room etiquette include:
1. Always arrive for your practices or games as per team rules.
2. Dress quickly.
3. Greet your team-mates as they arrive in the dressing room and make them feel welcome.
4. Do not criticize the referee after the game.
5. Do not swear in the dressing room.
6. Listen to your coach at all times.
7. Do not criticize your team-mates after a game.
8. No horseplay in the dressing room.
9. Leave dressing room quickly at the end of the game.
10. Leave the dressing room the way you found it - CLEAN.
Damage of arenas will not be tolerated. Anyone found doing any damage will be suspended from further team play.