To attract, retain, and incentivize quality volunteer coaches, and this increasingly demanding era, SHA provides a Coach Incentive Rebate. Through this trial, coaches may seek a rebate of the Rep fees (for one participant) they paid for that year. In the case of non-parent coaches, this incentive would be paid in cash as a gratuity.
To be eligible to receive this incentive, coaches MUST complete the following actions in accordance with the dates identified. (see SHA Coach Admin Checklist)
1. The team budget must be prepared for and approved by the team parent group prior to when the team’s season begins, fundraising activities start, or the team’s first game is played. Interim reports must be prepared and presented to the parent group prior to December 31 and a final report must be prepared at the end of the season, preferably prior to April 1. The initial, interim, and final reports must be backed up with bank statements and presented to the SHA Vice President Administration for review.
2. All Representative Team Coaches, Managers and Trainers must complete OHF Screening Vulnerable Sector Check.
3. All Representative Team Bench staff must have completed required training and certifications for employment in those roles no later than 1 Oct of the current year.
4. The team roster must be declared by the end of each team’s tryouts. Any exception must be approved by the Representative Teams Management Committee. Once the final team roster has been selected, an “Intent to Play Form” must be completed and submitted to the SHA Registrar within 5 days. The Intent to Play Form can be obtained from the ALLIANCE Hockey website under the “Forms/Registration” tab and is specific to the Seeded A/AA and B/BB teams. The completed Intent to Play Form is emailed to the SHA Registrar with the complete list of players. The email must also include bench staff names, date of birth and positions (i.e., Manager, Assistant Coach, Trainer, Assistant Trainer, etc.). An approved team roster cannot be obtained without this information.
5. If there are any changes to a bench staff during the season, the appropriate Rep League Director must be notified. In addition, the SHA Registrar must be contacted so the team roster can be adjusted to reflect the change. If there are new additions to the bench staff (prior to January 10th), the SHA Chairperson also needs to be notified so a check on what criminal record check documents is required for the new bench staff can be provided.
6. The SHA-provided iPad, charging cord/plug and iPad cover must be returned to the Vice President Administration after the last home game of the season. The team is responsible to replace any lost or significantly damaged items.
7. Coaches must conform to the various codes of conduct provided on the SHA web page under the “Codes of Conduct” tab at the top of the web page. At a minimum, these include;
a. Respecting the Rinks (City of Sarnia Policy),
b. Player Concussion Code of Conduct (downloaded MS Word document),
c. ALLIANCE Hockey Code of Conduct,
d. ALLIANCE Hockey Fair Play Codes (Players, Coaches, Parents, Officials, Spectators, and League Organizers.
8. Inform the SHA Ice Scheduler whenever you have locked in any tournament so they can update your team schedule on the SHA web page. All tournaments’ dates must be sent to the SHA Ice Scheduler before mid-August so that they can schedule regular season games around the tournaments and no conflicts occur. If a tournament is scheduled after the season games have been scheduled, contact the SHA Ice Scheduler with your planned tournament date and see if they can reschedule your league games. There is no guarantee this may happen as it is also up to the other ALLIANCE team Schedulers to rearrange the league game(s).
9. All Ice time, referees and timekeepers for home exhibition games must be arranged through the SHA Ice Scheduler.