Oct 17, 2016 | Tom Fisher | 559 views
Golden Gators are rollin'....Beware...
The Clearwater Everglades Arena was full of growling Golden Gators this past Saturday from 7am to 8am. .
Rory "The Ghost" Gough used his super speed to elude the defence of the Greyhounds and potted 2 goals of his own! The Ghost earned the Jedi Knight of the game for using the Gator force to his advantage all game! Way to go Rory!
Matt "Ammo" Amodeo put up another hat-trick for the second game in a row!
Our goalie Michael "Juice" Lajuenesse was stellar again and put the death roll to the puck every time it came near him! Nice work Juice!
We your coaches are super proud of your effort each week!