Criminal Reference Check Upload, HL Bantam Select, 2018-2019 (Sarnia Hockey)


Criminal Reference Check Upload
Please use this form to upload your CRC and CODF to Sarnia Hockey Association. This form will only be seen by Paul Walsh (SHA Chairman) and Wayne Scarrow (SHA Past Chair and Lifetime Member) to verify volunteers meet the OHF Criteria for Youth Activity Leaders SHA and ALLIANCE Hockey requires that the following persons must submit a Criminal Record Check and a Vulnerable Sector Screening that has been completed in the six (6) months prior to submission. team officials (including but not limited to head coaches, assistant coaches, trainers and managers); on-ice volunteers; and anyone else who, through their duties on behalf of SHA, may work with children In addition, the PC/VSS check must be redone every three (3) years following the initial check. For the years between the PC, the volunteer must complete a Criminal Offence Declaration Form (CODF) (i.e. Year one CRC/VSS, year two CODF, year three CODF and year four CRC/VSS). Any check submitted that is older than six (6) months must be accompanied by a CODF.

Personal Data and Info

Please fill out

Criminal Reference Check (CRC)

You should have received this document from the Sarnia Police Service or OPP. This document belongs to you and should be kept in your records. The information from your CRC will be uploaded to the Hockey Canada Registry and placed on your profile. The document (i.e. photograph) must include all pages of the police report and the police seal must be discernible.

Criminal Offence Declaration Form (CODF)

This document should be signed annually and is available on the SHA Website under "FORMS"