Volunteer Receipt Submission Upload, HL Bantam Select, 2018-2019 (Sarnia Hockey)


Volunteer Receipt Submission Upload
SHA will refund all approved costs related to training it's volunteer and coach pool. Annual budget approved costs for every season are: CRCs, Trainer Certification and Re-Certification, and Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders. Any other expenses are not approved and WILL NOT be re-reimbursed without board approval. Please speak with your Division Director for assistance.

Personal Data and Info

Please fill out

Pre-Approved Cost Submission for Volunteers

Please upload your recceipts for: CRC, Trainer Certifications, or RIS - Activity Leader here

SHA Executive Approved Costs for Coaches and Trainers Upgrade Clinics

Please upload your receipts for any coaching clinics taken outside of SHA. Please ensure your division director had this expense approved