Player Administration, League Libraries, Novice Division Tier 1 '09/10, 2017 - 2018 (Sarnia Hockey)


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  • Documents
    Player Administration
    Created: Jun 04, 2017 9:37 PM, Updated: Jun 04, 2017 9:47 PM
    Find everything you need to get your player updated with Hockey Canada, OHF, and The Hockey Alliace of Ontario
Items in this Library
  • .pdf
    Residential Move Form -OHF
    If you have moved and now reside in another juristiction from your previously registered hockey center. For example: Moving from Pt Edward to Sarnia, or from London to Sarnia. Those players will need to fill out this form and provide all documentation requested to the SHA Registrar for upload to the Hockey Canada Registry
    29.4 KB
  • .pdf
    Resisdential Move Form - Local
    If you have changed addresses, but have remained in Sarnia Hockey jurisdiction, players will require this form to be filled out and sent to the SHA Registrar for upload into the Hockey Canada Registry
    294 KB
  • .xlsx
    Alliance Team Roster Submittal
    Coaches will be required to submit this document to the HL Registrar for processing and generation of an approved Alliance Team Roster. Without an approved roster HL teams are not permitted to travel outside their home arena. Team Officials and players could face serious suspensions if they participate in Hockey Canada Sanctioned events without being properly registered and documented
    183 KB