Minimizing Close Contacts-Preventing Spread of COVID 19, News, U11, 2021-2022 (Sarnia Hockey)


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Dec 23, 2021 | Kevin Taylor | 343 views
Minimizing Close Contacts-Preventing Spread of COVID 19
Since the beginning of the 2021/22 Season Sarnia Hockey's Recreational Leagues have managed to stay operational.  In total we have only needed to cancel 4 practice/game times.  That is a credit to everyone involved in our programming and the efforts we all make to prevent close contacts.  As we enter our tournament & the playoff phase of our season, in an effort to minimize game cancellations and/or re-scheduling, please remember to:

General Guidelines:
Self-screen often (Use our Sportzheadz App or Ontario Provincial Screening Tools)
Stay home when feeling "off" or "un-well"
Stick to your COHORTS or BUBBLES
Maintain Physical Distance - 6 Feet
Wear a mask
Minimize trips to public settings
Minimize time spent in public settings

Participating in Hockey Related Activities:
Screen yourself before every event (game,practice, etc)
Record your attendance with the Sportsheadz App (for quick contact tracing)
If you don't feel well, stay home (there will be another game next week)
Arrive as prepared as possible-spend as little time in the dressing room as practicable
Wear a mask indoors at all times; remove your mask and don your helmet moments before ice times
Stay in your dressing room until the Zamboni is finishing it's work
Leave the ice immediately following a game
Don't loiter in the hallways
Depart the arena as soon as you can, finish undressing at home

Watching a Hockey Game or Practice:
Screen yourself before every event (game,practice, etc)
Record your attendance with the Sportsheadz App (for quick contact tracing)
If you don't feel well, stay home (there will be another game next week)
Wear a mask indoors at all times
Maintain Physical Distance
Respect the Arena Capacities
Pre-arrange drop off and pick up locations so you can...
Enter the arena as close to ice times as reasonable
Exit the arena immediately following the event