Welcome to the 2024-25 U21 Hockey Season! My name is Darren Chevalier and I am the director of the U18/21 Recreational Divisions this season. It's great to see such a large turnout for this division. We will have 4 teams participating this season. All coaches will be receiving their team rosters early next week and will be reaching out to their players. If you have not heard from your coach by Oct 4th feel free to reach out to me.
will NOT be finalized until mid to late November and
there is a chance albeit small that
your player may be required to move teams. I understand this may not be ideal and players may be disappointed to have to move. This will only be done if the league requires balancing, to make all teams more competitive. Our league is tentatively scheduled to have games on Sunday afternoon/evenings at Clearwater Arena. If this changes your coaches will reach out to you. The season will tentatively start Sunday Oct 6th. There will be a house league tournament again this year. All Sarnia teams will be participating in this tournament. The Winter Classic Tournament will run between Christmas and New Year the same as years past. SHA looks forward to hosting a fun and competitive recreational season for everyone.
See you at the rink.