Sep 02, 2013 | tlheureux | 847 views
Tomorrow September 3rd & September 7th Practice
Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 3rd, we are going to have a positional/systems session before practice at 7:30pm. We would like to meet at Scits High School football field to go over positional play. The Scits High School address is 275 Wellington St., the football field is behind the school. Parents can drop the players off at 7:30pm with their equipment and after our session on the field, we will walk over, with our equipment to the Sarnia Arena for our 9:00 p.m. practice. Also on Saturday, we will be hosting our parents meeting at 12 noon at Sarnia Arena before our 1:30 p.m. practice. We ask that at least one parent be present.
Sorry for the short notice, see you tomorrow!