May 10, 2015 | Thomas Babcock | 1286 views
Tryout # 2 Update
First I'd like to say Happy Mothers Day to all the boys moms and I apologize that these tryouts maybe put a little damper on your day!! I'd also like to say Thank you to all the boys that came out today and worked so hard!! You've made decisions very tough and we are getting down to the wire in the tryout process so I've had to make some tough choices here!! The following list are boys that are being invited back to continue the process......
Kaden Babcock
Aiden Croce
Matt Cunningham
Kaleb Edlington
Ethan Ewing
Jacob Gould
Lucan Hazzard
Ryan Janssens
Tristen Konrad
Shaun McDermott
Hunter Seguin
Kristian Spitzig
Tyler Steeves
Blake Wallace
Connor Antosiak
Caleb Burchell-Dupilka
Nik George
Cole Houghton
Reis Lopes
Levi Plain
Christopher Scott
Jack Symington
Lleyton Williams
Luke Crombeen
Ethan Langford
Caden Cormier
If your name does not appear you have been released to the MD tryouts good luck to all of you!!! To those that remain the roster for Tuesday's exhibition game will be posted by tomorrow after school!!