May 12, 2015 | Thomas Babcock | 1377 views
Tryout #3 Exhibtion game Update
After a hard fought game against a tough London A/AA team I would like to thank everyone for their efforts and the following players are invited back to continue in the tryout process....
Connor Antosiak
Kaden Babcock
Caleb Burchell-Dupilka
Aiden Croce
Matt Cunningham
Kaleb Edlington
Ethan Ewing
Nik George
Jacob Gould
Lucan Hazzard
Cole Houghton
Ryan Janssens
Tristen Konrad
Reis Lopes
Levi Plain
Christopher Scott
Hunter Seguin
Kristian Spitzig
Tyler Steeves
Blake Wallace
Lleyton Williams
Luke Crombeen
Ethan Langford
Caden Cormier
the Roster for Thursday's game will be posted on Wednesday by 6:30 pm