Apr 29, 2024 | Fred Vanreenen | 890 views
Wednesday Tryouts
Hi Everyone, Thank you to everyone for arriving on time and ready to go for todays tryouts!
Everyone is welcome back for Wednesdays tryout at Pat Stapleton. We are going to keep the same 2 groups of players, with group 1 playing from 6-6:45PM and group 2 playing from 6:45-7:30PM.
Please remember your assigned pinnies.
Thank you.
Coach Fred
Group 1 (6:00-6:45PM)
Hunter Arnold
Parx Dennis
Leo Hackett
Benjamin Otton
Giordano Azzolina
Aiden Williams
Vince Vozza
Jaxon Vandenheuvel
Sawyer Denney
Zachary Paquette
Lincoln Mellor
Mason Mellow
Kaleb Mclaughlin
Conor Dance
Reid Douglas
Oliver Nutma
Ryan Weyers
Ethan Viggers
Sebastian Mella Wong
Group 2 (6:45-7:30PM)
Braxton Sommise
Andrew Raiger
Henry Plug
Cole Doyle
Liam Hoekstra
Rowan Conlan
Jacob Hoidas
Teddy Ledrew
Ben Lajoie
Charlie Gordon
Zeke VanReenen
Anthony Shweihat
Mason Morreau
Edward Garton
Bodhi Kennedy
Callum Rodey
Zachary McNeil
Logan Nesbitt
Grady Williams