12th Annual Tim Horton’s Christmas Tournament
Brought to you by the Sarnia Hockey Association
Tim Hortons Hockey Tournament
Please find enclosed an application form for the 12th Annual Tim Horton’s Christmas House League Hockey Tournament, sanctioned by the Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario. The tournament will be filled on a "first come - first served" basis; please register early.
Registration deadline is Saturday, November 26th no entries will be accepted unless full payment and complete rosters have been received - NO EXCEPTIONS
The tournament entry fee is $650.00 for Canadian teams and $700.00 for American teams. There will be no gate fee for entry to the arenas.
1. Tournament Dates:
Friday, December 28, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
2. Tournament Divisions: (All divisions will be “non contact” )
Novice (2005 – 2004)
Atom (2003 – 2002)
Pee Wee (2001 – 2000)
Bantam (1999 – 1998)
House league Teams only, no Tiered Teams or Select Teams
3. All teams will be guaranteed 3 games.
4. First and second place teams in each division will qualify for the play-off games in divisions of 4, top 4 teams qualify in divisions of six teams. In a division of 10 teams the top 4 teams will advance to the semi-finals. In the event that we have 12 teams in a division, the top 2 teams in each grouping of six teams will advance.
5. All teams must conform to the following:
a. Only players registered to your regular team will be accepted.
b. You must have 3 previous game sheets signed by the local league convener.
c. You must have an alliance certified roster sheet. (This should be returned with the application if possible.)
If your team is from another association (i.e. OMHA) then you must include a roster certified by that association.
d. You must have a certified coach and a certified trainer on the bench for all games.
e. Substitution (max. 3) to your regular team roster will not be allowed without the completion of a player substitution form
available from the tournament committee. Players must be of equal caliber. The form must be signed by your league
convener. These forms will be available after you have been accepted into the tournament.
6. Game length will be 15-15-15 minute running time periods. However, in semi and final games the last 2 minutes WILL be
stop time if the goal spread is 2 or less.
7. Divisions will be made up of 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 teams.
Yours in Hockey,
Tim Turner
Chairman, Tim Horton’s Christmas House league Hockey Tournament