Becoming a Sarnia Sabers Team Volunteer, News, Major Novice Division'10, 2018-2019 (Sarnia Hockey)


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Jul 29, 2018 | Kevin Taylor | 746 views
Becoming a Sarnia Sabers Team Volunteer
In order to become a Volunteer Team Official, the OHF and Hockey Alliance of Ontario have introduced some policies and qualifications that are required in order to protect our youth and provide them with the best experience possible.  Please read below and follow each link to complete the various components and become part of our volunteer core.  Sarnia Hockey will completely refund all money spent attaining these courses, please keep your receipts and see your specific Division Director for details

This job is NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED, you learn as the athletes learn (most of them aren't professionals either)

Mandatory for all volunteers that have contact with the players on the bench or ice:

*This includes Teen Volunteers, On-Ice Helpers, and Temporary Bench Staff


OHF Gender Identity and Expression Course - $ NO CHARGE - Available online through Hockey Canada eHockey portal.  Course is approx 45min

Use this LINK to access eHockey, new users need to register, and "SIGN UP FOR A CLINIC".  Gender ID is completely online.  Once you sign up, read the instructions online and sent to your email

Respect in Sport - Activity Leader - $ Credit Card Required - Cost will be refunded upon team placement - Available online through Respect in Sport Training portal.  Course is approx 3 Hrs

Use this LINK to access the Respect in Sport - Hockey Activity Leader Registration page

Criminal Reference Check - Vulnerable Sector -$ 11 (Volunteer Rate) - Sarnia Residents must use Sarnia Police - County Residents must use OPP.  SHA does accept CRC from other organizations such as SMAA or similar not for profit, or even employers such as the School Board.  It is preferred you keep your CRC and send it electronically (PDF) to the specified SHA Board Representative to be uploaded to your Hockey Canada Profile.

Use this LINK to access the SHA CRC Page also found under our "FORMS" Tab - You will need to print a copy of the SHA Volunteer Letter in order to receive the "Volunteer Rate"

Team Official - Trainer

Team Trainers are the a key component of every team, they are the first line of defense in preventing injury in our developing athletes. Having a trainer is a mandatory requirement for the team roster approval process.  A trainer must be present in order for game officials to start a game.  The HTCP Level 1 Trainer Certification expires every 3 years.

HTCP Level 1 Trainer and Level 1 Refresher - $ Credit Card Required - Cost will be refunded upon team placement - Available online through the Hockey Development Center of Ontario Training Portal

Use this LINK to access the HDCO Website and HTCP Lvl 1 Registration Page

Team Official - Asst Coach

A loyal, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic assistant is an valuable asset to every team dynamic.  It's not about being the strongest or being the highest skilled, it's about knowing how to figure it out and bringing out the best in each of your athletes.  Every good Head Coach has some very good Assistant Coaches holding them up, and supporting the team vision.

Assistant Coaches are only required to hold the minimum Mandatory Volunteer requirements, however it is recommended that all Assistant Coaches take Coach 1 (INITIATION LEVELS) or Coach 2 (Novice HL - Midget HL)  Assistant Coaches may also be very interested in the Hockey Canada Instructional Stream and Professional Development Clinics to advance their knowledge, skills, and delivery methods.

Please contact your specific Division Director for registration and clinic details if you are interested in upgrading

Team Official - Head Coach

Every team needs a leader to drive it to the finish line.  A Head Coach is the author of the team vision and director of team goals. Head Coaches are mandatory for a team to play a game, without a Head Coach the game officials will not allow a start.  Head Coaches are the main point of contact for a team and delegate responsibilities.

House League Head Coaches are required to hold at a minimum Coach 1 (INITIATION LEVELS) or Coach 2 (Novice HL - Midget HL).  It is recommended that Head Coaches for PeeWee to Midget be Development 1 Trained.

If you are selected by a Division Director to be a Head Coach, they will direct you for registration and clinic details