May 04, 2015 | Thomas Babcock | 1990 views
Tryout # 1 Update
I was very pleased with the number of players that attended tonights tryout. Thank you to all that attended and I was very very pleased with the effort given by all!! If you do not see your name on the following list please report to the MD tryouts keep working hard and good luck in your upcoming season!!
Connor Antosiak
Eric Armitage
Kaden Babcock
Quinn Beauregard
Caleb Burchell-Dupilka
Owen Chute
Joseph Coleman
Caden Cormier
Aiden Croce
Luke Crombeen
Matt Cunningham
Kaleb Edlington
Nathan Elliott
Ethan Ewing
Thomas Field
Nik George
Hayden George
Jacob Gould
Michael Handy
Lucan Hazzard
Cole Houghton
Ryan Janssens
Ethan Kerby
Tristen Konrad
Dominic Krasinkiewicz
Cameron Lacroix
Ethan Langford
Reis Lopes
Shaun McDermott
Ethan Pereira
Levi Plain
Noah Porter
Joshua Rice
Jacob Roe
Christopher Scott
Hunter Seguin
Owen Shearon
Kristian Spitzig
Jack Symington
Tyler Steeves
Blake Wallace
Cole Whitworth
Lleyton Williams