May 21, 2015 | Thomas Babcock | 2618 views
2015-2016 Sarnia Jr Sting Minor Bantam A-AA Roster
First I would like to say thank you very much to all the boys for all the hard work that you put in during these tryouts! You have know idea how hard these decisions have been! I have spent countless hours with more than a dozen of my evaluators and numerous hours finalizing what would ultimately be my decisions for my team this season!! If your name does not appear on the following list please report to the MD tryouts, go work hard and have a great season! Toughest decisions Ive ever had to make as a Coach so the following names on this list better be prepared to work hard this summer and work harder this season than you've ever had to work in hockey..... EVER!!!!
Luke Crombeen
Caden Cormier
Kaden Babcock
Hunter Seguin
Blake Wallace
Ryan Janssens
Caleb Edlington
Tyler Steeves
Tristen Konrad
Ethan Ewing
Jacob Gould
Levi Plain
Caleb Burchell-Dupilka
Cole Houghton
Christopher Scott
Reis Lopes
Connor Antosiak
Congratulations Boys, be careful what you wished for because my expectations are high and my demand will be even higher be prepared to work!!!!