Tryout #3 Results - Tryout List Updated, News, U13 A/AA, 2022-2023, AA (Sarnia Hockey)


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Sep 21, 2022 | Kevin Taylor | 718 views
Tryout #3 Results - Tryout List Updated
Each and every player has put forth a tremendous effort! Coach Ron has taken some time to reflect on each player and what he has seen from them in this brief time.

He wants every player to know that being released from a team does not define who they are or mean their contributions would not be valued.  He wants every player to know that their journey is not over.  It's just beginning...

We look forward to seeing all players posted back on the ice tomorrow night.  Expect more of the same.  Fundemental skill assessments with a game to wrap up the evening. 

We will be posting Tryout #4 Results tomorrow evening - We have added an additional Tryout #5 on Friday to make sure we find the right fit from the right players for U13A/AA Sarnia Sting 2022/23

Please use this LINK to see the updated tryout list