2022/23 U13A/AA Communication Data Capture, U13 A/AA, 2022-2023, AA (Sarnia Hockey)


2022/23 U13A/AA Communication Data Capture
Please fill out this form to be added to the team communication list

Communication Data

Completing this section will have you added to the communication list for 2022/23 U13A/AA Sarnia Sting

Please add me to the U13A/AA Communication Database

If for any reason you wish to be removed, please email KEVIN TAYLOR and submit a request

Your email/contact info will not be distributed in any manner outside of approved Team Coach Staff

Please continue below if you are the first parent/guardian completing this form.  The info below will be used for our TEAM ROSTER & Team Apparel Estimates


This section is only required to be completed once by a parent/guardian

Clothing & Apparel

This section is only required to be completed once by a parent/guardian