Jan 25, 2013 | Aaron Shanks | 885 views
Final bowling details
Final Details of Richmond Hill Tournament Pizza/Bowling
Final Details of Richmond Hill Tournament Pizza/Bowling
We have a Lounge/Party Room booked at World Bowl in Richmond Hill for 3pm on Saturday February 2nd. We have pizza, fries, and pop that will be ready when we arrive for the kids. Other food can be ordered off their menu once we get there if needed. The venue is also licensed.
No lanes have been pre booked, but the place is fairly large, so it shouldn't be an issue. Those that want to precook a lane, they can call 905-881-5927 to do so. Quote the group name, Sarnia Junior Sting. The bowling rates are $3 for shoes and $27.88 per hour/per lane with a max of six people per lane.
The Bowling Alley is located on 9 East Wilmot Street, just North of the hotel, off of Leslie Street. The Goole Maps link is here... http://maps.google.ca/maps?saddr=hilton+garden+inn+commerce+valley+drive&daddr=World+Bowl,+9+E+Wilmot+St,+Richmond+Hill,+ON+L4B+1A3&hl=en&sll=43.84743,-79.380505&sspn=0.015939,0.0421&geocode=FdcFnQIdnMlE-yF46PxBNva81ikn6MT9tNTUiTF46PxBNva81g%3BFaAknQIdgLRE-ykVyTl4NCsriDFWu0WxAbeZJA&t=h&mra=ls&z=15
More info on the venue can be found at their website... www.worldvowl.ca