5.00.03: Building Leagues & Generating Teams, 5.00: League Operations Guide, Recreational Operations (Sarnia Hockey)


Print5.00.03: Building Leagues & Generating Teams

SHA Divsion Directors have autonomy and latitude to manage their respective leagues.  Division Directors can choose to build teams and leagues using different tools provided including:

Assigning or Re-Assigning Players & Coaches to Teams based on previous seasons history
Assigning or Re-Assigning Players & Coaches to Teams based on previous seasons rosters
Assigning or Re-Assigning Players & Coaches to Teams based on an exhibition game phase
Random Player Selection or AI Assisted Player Selection
Traditional Draft Team Selection
Blind Draft Team Selection (Example Below)


The coaches will blindly pick their team number using the draft cards with a players birth year, ID’d Gender, position, and rating facing up and player contact info facing down.

The selection process for the draft can go in order of team #1, #2, #3, #4, #4, #3, #2, #1 or a more complex method to determine turns by drawing straws, numbers, etc

The draft needs to continue until all player cards have been selected

Coaches will need to maintain record of player contact info in order to let their team know where and when their season begins

Each coach will draft the highest available player in each round. Draft the forward players first then defensemen or vice versa to keep the process as tight and fair as possible

Goalies will be selected first round or last round

In the event that any of the coaching staff has a son or daughter playing then their child’s player card would be facing upward to expose their name. The coach is able to pick them in their rated category (A, B, C, and D) thus making the draft as fair as possible

Once all cards are selected, if all coaches are in agreement, allow them to trade players (**Max 2) using the player cards as trading cards amongst each other.  Keep this controlled and open in conversation, there is the possibility some coaches would take advantage of a chaotic situation. Once all movement is done then all the cards will be collected from the coaches (individual teams) so the director will now have their teams current roster.  **Directors may see a requirement to tweak the trade maximum, in order to achieve balance and harmony for the division.  They have the latitude to increase/decrease the trades as they see fit.  Trades maximums need to be set by the director prior to the 1st round of the draft.

Directors will need to forward a preliminary copy of all team rosters (players and coaches) to the SHA Registrar in EXCEL format to be verified for completeness and qualifications 15 Oct 23