5.01.03: Tournaments & Exhibitions, 5.01: General Recreational League (HL) Rules, Recreational Operations (Sarnia Hockey)


Print5.01.03: Tournaments & Exhibitions

5.01.03(a) Exhibition Games:

1) SHA Recreational Teams are authorized to play exhibition games with any Hockey Canada (including USA Hockey) Sanctioned Team in the following categories:


2) Sarnia Hockey does not allow any of it's HL Teams to participate in a game where BODY CHECKING is permitted.

3) In order to be authorized to participate in any game outside of SHA's Recreational League the team must possess a PERMIT to participate in an EXHIBITION GAME.  Coaches may request an EXHIBITION PERMIT HERE

5.01.03(b) Sarnia Hockey's Winter Classic HL Tournament:

1) All SHA Recreational Teams are registered for the SHA Winter Classic at Christmas Break.  Teams are not required to collect fees for this event.  IF a team will not be able to provide a competitive line up it is up to the Head Coach to contact the SHA Tournament Director and have their team removed from the event.

2) SHA League rules do not apply for the Winter Classic - Rules for the event will be provided by the Tournament Director

3) SHA Recreational Teams DO NOT require a permit to participate in SHA's Winter Classic

5.01.03(c) External Hockey Tournaments:

1) SHA Recreational Teams are authorized to play in tournaments with any Hockey Canada (including USA Hockey) Sanctioned organization in the following categories:


2) SHA League Games takes priority over any external play/tournament.  If a team wishes to play in a tournament that falls within the SHA Schedule, teams are required to seek authorization from their Division Director.  Division Directors are responsible to consult and coordinate with the SHA Ice Scheduler and have changes placed on team calendar(s) prior to the 3rd Friday in September.

3)Sarnia Hockey does not allow any of it's HL Team to participate in a game where BODY CHECKING is permitted

4) SHA Teams are encouraged to participate in external events during any SHA Blackout Timeframe such as the Silver Stick Weekends

5)In order to be authorized to participate in any tournament outside of SHA's Recreational League the team must posses a PERMIT to participate in an ALLIANCE TOURNAMENT or NON-ALLIANCE TOURNAMENT Event.  Coaches may request a TOURNAMENT PERMIT HERE

5.01.03(d) Alliance Championship Tournaments:

1) SHA shall subsidize the registration fee of each team attending the any ALLIANCE Championship Event including HL Championship, SL Championship, Jamboree or Festival.  This subsidy shall be 50% of the fee.

2) SHA is responsible to register teams for the tournament, submit full payment to the tournament and turnover any administrative or coordination materials to the teams that will be in attendance.