Team Update, News, Tier 1 Dodge Caravan Kids Black Beasts, Novice Division Tier 1 '09/10, 2017 - 2018 (Sarnia Hockey)


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Jan 22, 2018 | Mark Robbins | 347 views
Team Update

Hello Team and Parents, This is an update for Team and league news                                                                                1- Our next practice is this Friday Jan 26 from 5-6:30 Power Skate                                                                        2- Our next game follows on Sunday Jan 28 9:00 am                                                                                            3- Dresden Tournament Revised Schedule  Our 1st Game is Friday Feb 2nd at 12:00 vs Dresden                                  Our 2nd Game is Saturday 3rd at 9:00 am vs Petrolia then we play again at either 3:00, 4:00 or 5:00 just depends how we do                                                                                                                                                        4- Montreal Canadien Alumni Tour is here at the Progressive arena on Friday March 2nd Doors open at 6:00 and we practice from 6-7 that night tickets are $20 adults and $15 ages 12 and under                                                        5 Our Final Days start on March 18-24 and we will play for either the A Cup, B Cup or C Cup depends on where we end up after the playoffs that we are currently playing                                                                                      6 Finally Volunteer Appreciation Night is April 6th for ANYONE who helped out this year                                        Thanks Coach Mark